Whether at a personal, business or professional level we all require advice from time to time from a professional service provider. This may include advice from solicitors, accountants and surveyors, perhaps advising you on a specific issue or undertaking a task or series of tasks to achieve a particular outcome.
In any situation where you are reliant on professional advice the professional is required to perform their services to the required standard and in accordance with their 'duty of care' to you as the customer. When occasionally, as they do, things go wrong and you incur financial loss as a result or the outcome you were expecting is not achieved this raises a question as to whether that advice or service has been provided 'negligently'.
It is important that in any situation where you feel that you have been either substantially misled, poorly advised or have suffered financial loss as a result of your reliance on the advice of a professional that you seek early advice from a solicitor in order to gauge the strength of the potential claim which you may have. It is also important to consider from the outset of such a claim what evidence needs to be gathered in order to secure an early settlement of the issues where that is available.
We can provide immediate advice and assistance on potential claims in relation to accountants, architects, financial advisors, surveyors and solicitors. Please contact a member of our Dispute Resolution team. Girlings has offices in Canterbury, Ashford and Herne Bay.