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Meet the Team Series: Chris Brightling

Over the course of the year, we will be spotlighting members of Girlings Solicitors’ team, their backgrounds, roles, and unique perspectives, so you can get to know the people that are working hard for you.

Name: Chris Brightling
Office: Ashford
Job Title: Head of Corporate and Commercial

What was your first job and what was the pay packet?

Serving 99’s and Twisters at a Kent beach side café one summer. I was paid about £20 a day which wasn’t much but unlimited flakes and ice creams sweetened the deal!

What do you always carry with you to work?

A positive attitude and the ambition to help Kent businesses achieve their goals, but most importantly a good lunch and some (not often healthy) snacks to keep me going through the day.

If you were Prime Minister, what one thing would you change to help businesses?

I would support start-ups with financial grants and more business support/ mentoring schemes to help them get off the ground and grow.

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs?

However hard you try things won’t always go your way but don’t give up. I have worked with businesses in a huge variety of sectors and resilience is one of the most important qualities that business owners share.

Who do you most admire in business?

My family have always been in business in Kent so I have witnessed first hand the blood, sweat and tears it takes to make a business succeed. I have huge admiration for them as a result.

Find out more about Chris here.

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Chris Brightling

Head of Department
Corporate, Banking & Finance; Commercial Law
upper shape

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