On Saturday 2nd September 2017 a team of Girlings' staff, family and furry friends took part in the Canterbury Memory Walk in aid of Dementia Friends, an Alzheimer's Society Initiative. In addition to cake sales, donations from staff, clients, friends and family, Team Girlings' has now raised a total of £1,288.72 in aid of Dementia Friends.
This money will go a long way to support the work of the Alzheimer's Society:
£50 This will help for a PhD researcher to continue research into the causes of dementia, how it can be treated and, ultimately, find a cure.
£100 Could fund the equipment and resources needed for three days of a dementia researcher's vital investigations.
£250 Could teach a group of ten MP's vital information about dementia in a Dementia Friends session in parliament.
£500 Could pay for 700 copies of the new Understanding Your Diagnosis booklets, helping those recently diagnosed with dementia understand more about the condition and how to come to terms with some of the feelings they might be having.
£1,000 Could pay to run an indoor stand on the Society's Dementia Community Roadshow for a week, allowing them to reach a range of people affected by dementia and provide them important information on living with the condition.
Currerntly 26% of Girlings staff are Dementia Friends. If you would like to find out more about becoming a Dementia Friend and help transform the way the nation thinks, acts and talks about the condition, please contact Dementia Friend Champion, Charlotte Parsons.