Promoting physical and mental wellbeing in support of Take Off!
With the Olympic Games coming to a close, and having been inspired by the firm’s brave Tough Mudders, staff at Girlings Solicitors decided to launch their very own ‘Get Fit’ challenge for August 2021.
In the spirit of promoting physical and mental wellbeing the Social Committee are challenging all staff (including Partners) to step outside their comfort zones this summer and share their sporting/ self-care achievements.
We all no doubt have heard of the importance of exercise, not only for our physical health, but also for our mental health. Studies have shown that exercising more regularly can have a wonderful effect on managing moods, stress and anxiety levels. The mental health charity Mind helpfully point out that regular exercise “doesn't have to mean running marathons or training every day at the gym”, but moving our bodies just a little more everyday can have a really positive impact on our all-round wellbeing.
- Megan set her first goal, as she is working on the 4th floor of our Ashford office she has opted to take the stairs rather than the lift every day for a week.
- Will, one of our Tough Mudders has signed himself up for the Reading half marathon taking place in November.
- Anna, co-chair of the Social Committee has set her first challenge, field walking with her dog every day, come rain or shine!
- Charlotte, another of our Tough Mudders has signed up to her first Duathlon, a great incentive to get more active and train this month.
The month will end with a mini office Girlimpics event, to raise money for our corporate charity, Take Off.
For more information about the work that Take Off are undertaking across East Kent visit: Or contact Ellie: